Friday, January 15, 2010

Cost Of Baby Diapers How Much Do Disposable Diapers Cost Per Month?

How much do disposable diapers cost per month? - cost of baby diapers

How much per month do not cost disposable diapers? Baby wipes? Disadvantages of diaper rash cream? and how much the cost of mattress covers are waterproof?


Love my baby boy! said...

I think you said in your other question, which we have 20 for a week on Huggies at Walmart, but it's more like 20 a week and a half to two weeks, so that about 40 products, and baby wipes are $ 8 for the large parts of the package of Huggies wipes Not (basic) and $ 3 () at the base, so I probably like 2 months because I have more than just a baby-Po ... then say, $ 6 for each of my em off base. The mattress cover is very inexpensive than twelve dollars. I use Desitin and $ 8 for the tube and takes a long time (as far as the child is less than a month, and I had all the time ).... Overall, therefore, you're lookin approximately 50 million ..... Month, you are your plans to have a baby, or are you now pregnant? The bottom line is babies HELLA EXPENSIVE! :) Lol

~~KY MOM~~ said...

Layers me about $ 50 per month, but I buy Huggies, not the cheapest, there are cheaper brands, some are only $ 15 per case, it would cost about $ 30 per month. I spend about $ 12 per month to a baby-wipes, but I use it for everything! And I'm not sure about the diaper rash cream, I have not had much use ... I think it's like a tube of 4 dollars and a tube will last a while if your child has frequent outbreaks ... I'm not sure how the cover waterproof? My son's mattress and a plastic cover, so that you do not have to worry.

starligh... said...

Go to complete lists of all things in your question.

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